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On Sunday 16th June 2024 we  over Ray Mill Island at Boulter’s Lock, courtesy of RBWM, to put on the Maidenhead Lions Family Fun Day and Duck Race. That’s father’s day, so bring along all your family and friends, to celebrate. The first prize for the duck that crosses the line first is £250. This year the event will start at Midday. Food and drink will be available to purchase all day so why not make a day of it and come along for lunch. 


There will be attractions for all ages at the event with both craft and charity stalls having things to buy, as well as games of skill and chance. There is a children’s Duck Hunt with prizes for various age groups and mini roundabout for the younger children. This year the Lions stalls will include a new Human Fruit Machine stall as well as the usual pick a duck; the popular cuddly toy stall; the fun roll a ball; the terrific tombola as well as trying your luck at skittles and hoopla. Returning entertainment will include Nick the balloon man; Face Painting; Monkey Music and Moo Music. You can even have your picture taken with Daisy and Donald Duck for free.


The event culminates at 4.30pm with the Duck Race and the release of 2000 plastic ducks by the Sea Cadets, as they float their way on the River Thames as a novel way to draw a raffle. The first 3 places will get a prize, with first place getting £250; second place £100 and third place £50.


Entrance to the venue is free.


If you are interested in coming along to help on the day or joining Lions please contact us through this website.








Anchor and Sickle
 Ordinary People - Amazing Things
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Lions Club of Maidenhead CIO 

Registered Charity No 1193483

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