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Maidenhead Lions
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Do you live on your own or take regular medication? Then the Lions Message in a Bottle scheme is for you.
What is a Message in a Bottle?
It is a surprisingly simple idea which encourages vulnerable people, e.g. those living on their own, to keep a record of their basic personal and medical details in a standard form and in a common location so that they can easily be found in the unfortunate event of an emergency arising.

What is the common location that you mentioned?
Your fridge. The Emergency Services, who are fully supporting this scheme, will know to look for the bottle there if they are called to your home as they will have been alerted to your participation in the scheme by the use of two special stickers. One is placed adjacent to the handle on the inside of the main door to your home, the other is stuck on the fridge door.
Why the fridge?
Firstly, most homes have a fridge, usually in the kitchen, so it enables the Emergency Services to find your details quickly and easily as they will know exactly where to look. Also, the contents of the fridge are protected for longer in the event of a fire.
What is the cost?
There is NO COST to the user. All the costs of running the scheme are borne by the Lions Club and our sponsors as part of Lions Caring for our Communities.
How do I get a bottle?
Most local pharmacies and doctor’s surgeries have a stock of the bottles, forms and stickers. If you have any difficulty please contact Maidenhead Lions via 'Contacts' above
BBC Video on Message in a Bottle

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