Maidenhead Lions
Ordinary people - Amazing things!

2022 News

New member Theresa was badged up by President Robin in an impressive induction ceremony on Tuesday 26 July. Seen here with her sponsor Mary, we welcome Theresa to the Pride.

After two years of being President, it was time for Lion President Karen to step down and hand over. The normal tenure for Presidency is a year, but Lion President Karen did two years because of the inactivity at COVID time. The next year would be shared amongst four Past Presidents - Lions Don, Peter, Bob and Robin; Starting with Lion President Robin who is already donning the President's chain.
Thanks to immediate Past Presideny Karen for the amazing leadership shown against many odds and welcome and congratulations to our quartet of Presidents.
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2021 News

Maidenhead Lions in the Butler's garden (between showers). IPP Robin presented an orchid to President Karen, who has kindly agreed to take office for a second year. President Karen presented Brenda with a fabulous bouquet for all her hard work organising the recent Swimarathon. Everyone brought their own picnics & partied till the ice cream van arrived, when the party continued again!
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2020 News
Delighted to say that today we received news of a very generous sponsorship amount from the Louis Baylis Trust for our Christmas 2020 appeal. We are so lucky to have this amazing Trust locally. www.whytheadvertiserisspecial.co.uk
Delighted to have received a cheque today from #ThePrincePhilipTrustFund supporting our Christmas parcels project 2020. Their support is invaluable & will enable us to support more local people. Thank you.
For the last 30+ years, Maidenhead Lions have stood outside supermarkets and collected food from local people which they then make up into 350+ hampers of Christmas goodies to deliver to more than elderly local people and needy families in the borough.
Because of the COVID-19 restrictions, we cannot collect outside supermarkets, as usual, so have set up this appeal to help us raise money for supermarket vouchers instead.
We have already received support from The Prince Philip Trust Fund, The Shanly Trust, Waitrose Community Matters Maidenhead and Sainsbury's Maidenhead.
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2019 News
On Thursday 19th November the Royal Borough of Windsor and Maidenhead hosted their first virtual awards evening for children in care and care leavers in which over 100 young people received awards for their successes in education, the community and in sports and arts. The event was co-presented by a child in care from Kickback (the children in care council) and included musical performances from children in care and care leavers. Windsor Lions and Maidenhead Lions clubs supported the event through funding vouchers for the award winners which was greatly appreciated by Achieving for children and Elected Members.
Another important event supported by Maidenhead Lions.
Donation to Sightsavers.
Maidenhead Lions recently made a donation to Sightsavers in response to the appeal launched in October, you might be interested in finding out more information on the work of Sightsavers do.
Watch Sightsavers’ new film that shows how we change lives around the world. Click the youtube link to find out more
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2018 News
Prostate Awareness
Maidenhead Lions are pleased to report another successful Prostate awareness evening. The event was oversubscribed and our volunteer phlebotomists worked tirelessly trying to keep up with the demand
Another Red-Letter Day
on the 1st of July for the Lions Club of Maidenhead with the handover of the Presidency to Lion Peter Newbound after a great year under the leadership of Past-President Lion Peter Skinner.
Lions Presidencies are for a term of twelve months only, pity some other aren’t the same.
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2017 News
This was our 32nd, and proved amazingly successful again; thoroughly enjoyed by all participants, and 50+ helpers. 35 organizations took part, including 16 schools; 97 teams, with 800+ swimmers who covered over 500 miles between them.
Sponsorship pledged on the day was a whopping £21980 including on-line donations, which is over £1k more than last year. As usual, many swimmers forgot their sponsorship forms, so we can confidently predict that the overall total once all sponsorship is paid in should again exceed £30,000 with gift aid. How brilliant is that?

Our MP/PM Mrs May took time to pull 5 teams from the hat, each of whom will receive the bonus £200 for their nominated charities. They are All Saints Junior School who swam at 2 pm and only entered 3 weeks ago, returning after many years break; Cox Green Townswomen’s Guild who have swum at 7 am for the last 21 years and this year are supporting Alexander Devine Children's Hospice Care; Russell Hern’s ‘Untouchables’ team who have supported Maidenhead Stroke Club for many years & swam at 6 pm;
Windsor & Maidenhead Starfish Swimming Club who swam at 6 pm and are lucky enough to win this bonus for the 2nd year running.
St Piran’s School whose 8 teams swam at 3 pm as usual and are supporting Guide Dogs for the Blind this year. The President’s Cup for the team which most epitomises the spirit and fun of the day will go this year to the Dorney Youth Club, whose 3 teams swam at 7 am. It was a hard choice as so many teams also epitomised the spirit and made amazing efforts. Some of the main contenders were the 3 SportsAble teams at 12 noon, Alwyn Infants school at 1 pm, Allsorts from St Mary’s church at 2 pm and W&M Starfish at 6 pm - all of these and many others made the whole event emotional, inspirational, satisfying, the most amazing fun and not forgetting totally exhausting!
Dates for your diary :
The awards evening will be Friday 17th March (a month earlier than last year) at Cox Green. One of our local Paralympians, Jeanette Chippington, has kindly agreed to make the presentations. She has helped us in this way previously, and indeed swam yesterday in her brother David’s St Marks Church team at 6 pm.
And next years Swimarathon is 6th January 2018.
Presentation to Children's Hospice
Maidenhead Lions are proud to announce support with a presentation of a donation from our Legacy funds of £13450 to Alexander Devine Children's Hospice, to help them complete the fitting out of the new center.

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2016 News
Kids Garden Awards 2016
Andrew Much Head Gardner from the National Trust gardens at Cliveden judged the entries in July, the theme was the Queen's 90th Birthday. Gold, Silver, and Bronze certificates will be awarded by the Lions to the children, who were asked to interpret the theme with plants and flowers either in containers or a garden plot, all the children attend Wessex Primary School Cox Green.

Sea Scout Boats
1st Maidenhead Sea Scouts Boat update in the summer of 2016, the Lions provided Bell Boats for the 1st Maidenhead Sea Scouts. We have received this update.
Dear Lions,
We have had a fantastic time using
the Bell Boats this summer. All of our young people had used them in our weekly meetings & they proved to be very popular with the parents at our end of term BBQs.
We have also run sessions on the lake for two of the other local scout's groups using 1st Adventure & 1st Challenge. At the end of July, our Scouts & Explorers held their summer camp on Holt Island in St Ives, Cambridgeshire. Both Bell Boats went to camp along with two dinghies & our gig.
The Island had a little harbour & access directly onto the river Ouse & I have attached some photographs of the Bell Boats on the Ouse.
Thank you again for your supporting us in provided fun, adventures & challenges to the local young people of Maidenhead.