Bumper Year for Maidenhead Lions Christmas Parcels
All hands-on deck to create more than 350 Christmas food parcels for the less fortunate in Maidenhead.
The Maidenhead Lions have been running their 2019 Christmas Parcels project over the last couple of weeks. Food was collected from supermarket customers over 2 weekends; the first weekend at Sainsbury’s Taplow and the 2nd weekend at Sainsbury’s Maidenhead and Waitrose Maidenhead.
On Sunday 8th December Claire’s Court Senior Boys gym became the sorting and distribution depot for hundreds of food parcels for the less fortunate in Maidenhead.
Various departments of the local Social Service network provide a list of worthy recipients. Single people and small families receive a carrier bag full of non-perishable food goodies and larger families get a box full, all delivered to their door in time for Christmas.
It’s a big task that is only every achieved through the generosity of others. Windsor Lions, Friends of Lions, Maidenhead Rotary Clubs, staff and 6th formers of Claire’s Court School and the members of the public helped with the supermarket collections, the parcels make up and, in some cases, parcel deliveries. At least 100 people were involved.
Special thanks go out to Claire’s Court School for the loan of their gym and the supermarkets for allowing us to collect the food.
Karen Brown, the Christmas Parcels Coordinator, said “Our biggest thanks must go to the amazingly generous members of the public who again donated so much food, amounting to many thousands of pounds worth. Their generosity helped create more than 350 food parcels for the less fortunate in Maidenhead”.
In addition to a food parcel, the recipients all receive a Christmas card, with a personal message from the member of Maidenhead Lions Club who is making the delivery. We receive many thank you cards after Christmas.
The project has been running for over 30 years and gets stronger every year. We’ll be back again in December 2020. Maidenhead Lions would like to take this opportunity to thank all your readers for their support and wish them a very Happy Christmas and the best New Year ever.
For more information on the activities of Maidenhead Lions go to www.maidenheadlions.org.uk or visit the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MaidenheadLionsClub/ .