What can we say? We are so very chuffed to report that the 38th Swimarathon in January 2023 raised the incredible total of just over £37k including gift aid. I was secretly hoping to raise £38k at the 38th Swimarathon, but £37k is still absolutely brilliant, especially in these very tough times. People continue to be so very generous. 50% of all funds raised by each team are donated back to their favourite good cause. The other 50% goes into our Lions funds, ready to support & help local needy people.
It's a virtuous circle, with up to 120 teams of 8 swimmers taking part; all ages from 4 to 84, of all ages & abilities; working as teams, swimming in relay for 50 minutes, starting promptly on each hour from 7am through to 7pm; having great fun & menawhile raising huge funds for charity. How good is that?
The cups are awarded this year as follows -
Lane 4 Trophy for Senior team swimming the most laps
MASC Marlins Basking Sharks – 88 laps
Maidenhead Lions Centennial Cup for Junior team (under 12’s) swimming most laps
Tie between 2 MASC Marlins teams – Sticklebacks & Tuna – 62 laps each
President's Cup for team most epitomising the spirit and ethos of the event
Cox Green School
Ipsen Trophy for team raising the most sponsorship money
Courthouse Junior School
We also awarded an extra £200 to each of the following teams own good causes;
£200 donations to 5 teams drawn at random -
Sacha Grimsditch – family team raising money for MS Society
Windsor & Maidenhead Starfish
Furze Platt Junior School
Cox Green School
East Berks Citizens Advice
