So pleased to receive an update today from one of our Platinum awards recipients. Becky at wrote - Dear Maidenhead Lions, It has now been just over 6 months since we received your grant. I thought I would just drop you a line to say Thank You again and tell you a little about what we have been doing. Our clubs have flourished this year. In spite of Covid and the upheaval of a move, our retention rate has remained high, over 70% of young people continue to attend our clubs for over a year (raising to 90% in some of the clubs) giving them a sense of continuity which is so valuable to many of the participants. We continue to have over 100 children and young people coming to one of our clubs each month. And we have been lucky that we have only had to cancel 2 clubs as a result of staff getting covid, always our last resort. I attach some photos and some feedback. Thank you again for your support. It's a total pleasure Becky! We love helping people! #WeServe
