At this week’s typical Lions meeting, as well as discussing other business, we -
· Happily agreed help & donations to - o £1000 to the LCIF appeal for the Taiwan earthquake disaster. o And also that 9 donations were made last month totalling £2861 for white goods, flooring, etc for local needy families. o Agreed to send a group of children & carers to Lions District Fun day at Marwell in June, including their lunches. o Donation of £250 each to 11 local scouts attending the Jamboree in Africa this year; total donated £2750. o £400 donation to a local primary school towards their planned Summer trip to Odds Farm. o Heard that >£14k has been donated so far to teams who took part in the 39th annual Swimarathon in January. |
· Voted in a team of Club Officer for the new Lions year in July. · Discussed badging up a new Lion at our next meeting in May. · Planned recording and standardising our DBS checks. · Heard about funds raised regularly for Lions by people participating in the local RBWM lottery & also using Easyfundraising for their on-line spend.
· Planned for some of our future fundraising events, including – o Servicing & preparing our Fun Train for its summer outings to many fairs & fetes, including the Maidenhead Festival, Wokingham May Fayre etc. o Duck Derby & Family Fun Day on 16th June at Ray Mill Island, Boulters lock. o Plans for our 40th annual Swimarathon in January 2025. o Planning our first Children’s Talent Show at Furze Platt School Theatre on 16th November. o Helping Windsor Lions with their annual Horse Rides in September.
· Discussed arrangements for our various service activities, including – o Donating and personally delivering a set of 7 ‘Wild Tribe Heroes’ eco books to each of 20+ local Primary schools. o Prostate awareness event on 28th September at Desborough Bowling Club; free blood tests for men over 40. Saving lives. o Update on our ‘Winter Warmth’ service project which helps locals suffering fuel poverty. o We support 20 carelines for local people; installed one last week at a new widow’s home. o Collected and sent off more large boxes of used spectacles for recycling to the 3rd world. o Gave out more free Message in a Bottles (MiB) to local surgeries & pharmacies for distribution to local vulnerable people. o Report back from our Lion on the Older Persons Advisory group organised by RBWM. o Report back from early investigations on providing bleed kits & possibly defibrillators in local vulnerable streets/buildings. o Report back from our Lion on the Berkshire/RBWM Nature recovery workshop and planning how we can help with this.
· Looked forward to some of our upcoming Social activities including – o 2 groups going along to support one of our Lions Amdram production. o Getting teams together to go along to monthly free quiz at local club. o A group to enjoy a charity dinner & disco in Cookham in May. o A group to enjoy an early bird meal out at local hostelry in May. o Our annual Handover from one President to next – a June picnic in a member’s garden. o In July, up to 50 of us will enjoy a Sunday afternoon cruise on the Thames, with a delicious cream tea, for the 2nd year running. o Planning for another skittles evening in June or July and possibly Digital Darts as well.
Think about joining us & influence all these decision & fun. You know it makes sense!