Maidenhead Lions
Ordinary people - Amazing things!

2024 TEST EVENT - 28 SEPTEMBER 2024.
Maidenhead Lions are inviting 600 men to take a free blood test known as Prostate Specific Antigens (PSA) test that is used to help detect prostate cancer in men. The PSA blood test measures the amount of this protein in the blood.
It is important that all men over 45 get checked out as early as possible. You can start with a FREE PSA blood test with Maidenhead Lions on Saturday, 28 September 2024, from 10am-4pm at the Desborough Bowling Club, 10 Green Lane, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1XZ.
The testing will be done by the Graham Fullford Charitable Trust (GFCT) and the cost for this event will be approximately £18,000, largely due to cost of laboratory analysis. All men tested will be contacted in writing by Graham Fullford Charitable Trust (GCFT) soon after the event with their results.
Holding the event cost Maidenhead Lions approximately £30 for each tests but we don't make a charge at the time of the test.
However we would welcome a voluntary contribution from men being tested and others who would wish to support the event. By Clicking on 'DONATE' button below or by using the QR code to the right, you will be taken to our Juist Giving page. Please then return to this page to book your test.
You can skip to the next section to book your test if you do not wish to make a donation.
Thank you for your contribution and your help.

You can book your test via the Graham Fullford Charitable Trust (GFCT) website in 3 easy steps
1. Visit the GFCT site (link below)
2. If it is your first time using the site, you would need to register with an eMail address.
3. Once you are able to log into the site, please search with your postcode to get details of the Maidenhead Lions test at the Bowling Club
Please watch this short video about how the PSA test changed the life of a serving policeman in Wales.
Prostate Specific Antigen - An Overview.
Why should I have a PSA blood test?
A PSA test is a blood test used primarily to screen for prostate cancer. The test measures the amount of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood. PSA is a protein produced by both cancerous and noncancerous tissue in the prostate, a small gland that sits below the bladder in males.
You may get a PSA test if you have certain risk factors for prostate cancer. These include having a father, uncle, grandfather or brother with prostate cancer, mother, sister, grandmother or aunt having breast cancer, or being Afro Carribean (1 in 4 Afro Carribean men wil be diagnosed with prostate cancer). We conduct testing for men over the age of 40.
- About 15% of men who have Prostate Cancer do not have a raised PSA level.
- Two out of three men with a raised PSA level don’t have prostate cancer.
- One out of three men with a raised PSA level will have cancer.
- Two out of three men who have a biopsy don’t have cancer.
- Biopsies in one in five men fail to spot prostate cancer.
For these reasons we have organised all men with a high score can access the RAPID Protocol at Imperial College London Hospital and be seen by Professor Ahmed and his team. All men will have a Prostigram which is a mini MRI scan prior to any biopsy being undertaken.
A PSA is not a perfect test, but will help find other conditions and is the best test until something better comes along.
The Importance of Early Prostate Cancer Detection
By understanding the advantages and benefits of PSA testing, we can empower individuals to take charge of their health and make informed decisions. Early Detection Saves Lives. Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers affecting men worldwide. However, when detected early, the survival rate rises significantly. PSA blood tests provide a simple and effective screening method to identify potential abnormalities in the prostate gland, enabling early intervention and increased chances of successful treatment.
PSA blood tests are minimally invasive, requiring a simple blood sample. It is a quick and painless procedure. This non-invasive nature makes it accessible and suitable for everyone, including those who may be hesitant about more invasive screening methods.
While prostate cancer is more prevalent in men over the age of 50, it can affect individuals of all ages. PSA blood tests provide a personalised risk assessment, considering a range of factors such as age, family medical history, and lifestyle choices.
Apart from initial detection, PSA blood tests also serve as a valuable tool to monitor the progression of prostate cancer. By regularly measuring PSA levels, healthcare professionals can track changes over time, assess treatment effectiveness, and make informed decisions regarding further interventions or adjustments in the treatment plan.
For individuals concerned about their prostate health, a PSA blood test provides peace of mind. Knowing that you have undergone the necessary screening and taken proactive steps towards early detection can alleviate anxiety and promote mental well-being. Regular PSA testing can instil confidence and empower individuals to take control of their health.
For more information on PSA testing visit mypsatests.org.uk.