Maidenhead Lions
Ordinary people - Amazing things!


The Lions Club of Maidenhead celebrates the 50th anniversary of its founding this year. To mark the occasion, the Rt Hon Theresa May, who is the MP for Maidenhead, was invited to unveil a tree in Kidwell’s Park, a popular park in the middle of the town. With the Mayor of Windsor and Maidenhead also in attendance. Members of the club gathered around the tree on Friday 7th July to see Mrs May unveil the tree and its brass plaque, suitably positioned (and protected) to mark this milestone. Mrs May commended the work done by the Maidenhead Lions for the community and supports the efforts made by the Maidenhead Lions.
The tree was specifically chosen so that it is visible to the town’s residents, especially when big events are held in Kidwell’s Park such as the Maidenhead Festival at which the club participates with its train.
The tree is a Cherry Bird tree, a native tree that flowers and produces small berries which birds enjoy. Commenting on this occasion, Lion Gerry Tekerian, who organised the “adoption” of this tree, said that he was inspired by reading an article in the Sentinel late last year by Zone Chairman Lion Barry Haynes, who suggested planting trees might help to attract younger people that we desperately need for Lions Clubs to have a long term future in the United Kingdom.
Maidenhead Lions also felt it was important to mark this 50th anniversary to give the club greater visibility in addition to the sterling work by Maidenhead Lions in the community. Together, with the current concerns about the global climate changes, we as a club should also be seen to show how we can provide a lead to tackle this issue one tree at a time if need be, fulfilling one of the LI global causes - to protect the environmental health of our global communities.
After the tree unveiling, Mrs May and Councillor Neil Knowles, Mayor of Windsor and Maidenhead joined Lions for a coffee at an artisan bakery in the town.